
2015 In Pictures

2015 In Pictures

Wow. What a crazy ride summer of ’15 was.

My newest studio officially went live. What a delight for me to get this project up and running. It's both a wonderful feeling and opportunity to meet the needs of my clients without all the baggage of a big salon – so much more peaceful. 

And to my surprise, Modern Salon asked me to write a tutorial article about a current color trend. Three magazines picked up the article. What a crazy feeling to know my work is way more than just relevant. 

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Ombré Tips from the ABCH 2015 Energizing Summit

Ombré Tips from the ABCH 2015 Energizing Summit

As an ABCH Educator and Master Haircolorist, I've had the opportunity to teach ombre techniques to colorists across the country. The recent 2015 ABCH Energizing Summit was one of the best ever. This year the stylists who attended had some experience in doing ombré, but wanted to fine tune their skills on this hot hair color trend. 

For years I've included balayage techniques in conjunction with ombre in my own practice. Why? Simply, because they work so well together. I’ve found that by merging the two techniques I’m able to achieve even better results than using just ombré alone. 

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